So... I've been trying to decide how to write this post. I've been dealing with some pretty big stuff lately, but then again, so is everyone who's reading this. We're always working toward the next big thing in our lives. Mine just came up sooner than I expected, I guess.
Some of you may be wondering why my two week vacation to New York turned into an indefinite stay. To put it bluntly, my relationship with Mary's Place has ended. I no longer live in Seattle, Washington, and I am making plans to go back and pack my things. I had a pretty good idea that things with my placement site were over before I came home, but couldn't be sure. I put in a request soon after I came home to be reassigned at a new placement site. I am not finished with the US-2 program, and am planning on continuing that service until I complete my two year term in July of 2015. For those of you who are reading this from Seattle, I want you to know that I loved my time with you. I loved the people I worked with, and the friends I made. I loved the relationships I built and the work I was able to do. And I still love you guys, even though I can't stay with you any longer. Unfortunately, the job became something I was no longer willing or able to do. I won't get into the gritty details, because I don't think that's appropriate now. I'm not looking to alter anyone's opinions of anyone else, nor do I think it's necessary to rehash the past in order to move forward. I don't regret my time in Seattle. I think it's safe to say I'm a completely different person now than I was a year ago. I'm much more sure of myself. I'm much more able and much more likely to stand up for myself. I think overall I've become a much stronger person. And I will always be grateful for my time there.
Moving forward, I'll be spending time in Upstate New York, travelling and telling others about the Global Missions Fellows Program. If you're interested in having me come to talk at your church/youth group/what have you, please let me know (you can email me at I would be more than happy to include you in my summer tour. Sometime this summer, I'm hoping to be reassigned to a new placement site. When I know where I'll be going, I'll let y'all know. For now, I'm enjoying my time with my family, getting to know my nieces and nephew, reconnecting with loved ones and having fun adventures. Sometime soon, I'll have to write another blog post about my time at annual conference. That was so fun and such a great experience.
In the meantime, thank you for your prayers and support. And for those of you who have been walking through this with me, I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you. Standing up for myself has never been my strong suit, and your love and encouragement has really been invaluable to me. I have learned so much about myself through this process. And I have also learned so much about the people who stand behind me. I have never had to feel alone or abandoned, no matter how hard things got, because I know I have the love and support of so many amazing, strong people. The love I have been shown in the past month is a reflection of the love I have been shown not only throughout my service as a US-2, but truly my whole life, and I know moving forward that those people will continue to be there for me. So, thank you.